With a Bachelors Degree of Art from Brooks Institute of Photography, an eclectic professional career that includes film and video production, photography, interior design, jewelry making and a lifelong commitment to the serious study of artistic expression, it’s no wonder that the images Jan Perry creates have a unique quality. Even with simple images, she is able to embed a layered depth and complexity that can stir the viewer’s intellect, as well as their emotions. The complex textures and layers of her imagery seem to glow with another reality that can only be achieved with the deft touch and precise control of a skilled photographer and printmaker. 

In 2010 Jan began learning to play the violin and has subsequently worked for a luthier (violin maker) for the past year in Plano, Texas.

She currently offers workshops in encaustic wax painting at her studio in The Continental Gin Building in the Deep Ellum section of Dallas, Texas.

'The luscious flow of color coming off the end of my brush makes me giddy. 

Like the thrill of pulling a good print and experiencing in that very moment, a mystery revealed, “did it work or not?”

My journey has gifted me with several mediums to adore, each one holding me captive until I hear the flirtatious lure of the next. Photography was my first. Next was clay, then silver, and then my most enduring love, printmaking. Now I spend time with encaustic wax painting and my latest paramour, oil painting. Call me gypsy if you will.

The familiar pleasure I feel while listening to a haunting melody crying from a violin, travelling deep to faraway places, a fascination with eternally moving wild ocean rhythms like an ecstatic dance; these are my inspirations.

 My artistic vision is to compose images that combine these loves and endeavor to create a sensuous journey through the senses, illuminating secret passages that reveal mystery and wonder.

That delicious rush of “Ooh, I like that, I’ll have some more, please!” is the feeling I’m going for in my art and in my life.'